
Summer internships

Groups Summer Research Experience Program

The Groups Scholars Summer Research Experience Program prepares high-achieving incoming freshmen in scientific research by helping them develop basic skills in formulating questions, using field-specific tools, gathering and analyzing data, and communicating findings. Current graduate students, faculty, or other researchers in STEM disciplines at IU who are advancing knowledge in their respective disciplines mentor scholars. The program is 5 weeks in duration.

Summer 2021: Sam Flores

Hutton Honors College undergraduate Summer Research Funding

Research Grants help students pursue serious academic inquiry, develop intellectual independence, and build research skills and techniques. Grant funding will be considered for project-specific research materials and expenses, approved travel costs, and living expenses (summer grants only). Students with research proposals related to Honors theses or projects will receive priority consideration.

Summer 2021: Grace Oeding (part of her ‘21 Honors thesis project)

Sam Flores, Grace Oeding, Brielle Stark, Rosalind the dog

Sam Flores, Grace Oeding, Brielle Stark, Rosalind the dog


Seven Sisters

We endeavor to host several part-time internships in the summer, especially for students at the original Seven Sisters Colleges (but not limited to!). This is driven by Dr. Stark’s relationship with Bryn Mawr College, and the great experiences she had whilst there.

Get in touch with Dr. Stark in late April / early May. The internships are typically June and July (8 weeks total) and can be done remotely. These are, for the moment, unpaid.

NOTE: currently postponed.

2020 Alums: Nikki Crouse, Smith College (Awarded Praxis Funding); Piyari Paienjton, Middle East Technical University; Stephanie Yong, Bryn Mawr College; Amarachi Okorom, Smith College; Nafis Ali, North South University; Emma Ning, New York University; Kat Gallison, Wellesley College; Janice Hayhoe Wellesley College; Christine Wu, Smith College; Elizabeth Hodgson, Barnard College; Courtney Berzolla, University of Vermont; Houda Bouchouari, Bryn Mawr College; Sophie Call, Wellesley College; Ishani Das, Teachers College Columbia University; Kate Roumeliotis, Mount Holyoke College; Jacqueline Melton, Mount Holyoke College; Ana Minkin, Smith College; Magdalen Kwarteng, Barnard College
