Recorded Talks / Lectures

Please click each title for the link to the talk

Dr. Stark gives invited lecture for the Australia Center for Research Excellence in Aphasia on the topic of inner speech!

“Inner Speech in Aphasia: Considerations for measurement, and implications for understanding daily life with aphasia, the language system, and response to therapy.” The concept of “inner speech” was introduced, as well as operational definitions that the aphasiology field, and other fields, have used. Different ways of measuring inner speech were introduced. Then, the talk focused on several studies conducted in Dr. Stark’s lab, comparing/contrasting inner speech measurement, evaluating inner speech in the daily lives of adults with aphasia, and evaluating inner speech as a mechanism spurring recovery after language therapy.

Test-retest reliability of, and importance of task on, linguistic information from spoken discourse in persons with chronic aphasia.

A virtual talk for FOQUSAphasia ( on several studies in the lab! Slides can be found here.

Free, introductory lectures on aphasia and neuroscience of aphasia and aphasia recovery.

Dr. Stark makes free, introductory lectures for ENIGMA-U, a free online school focused on neuroscience, neuropsychology, and basic science literacy. You can find her four-part lecture series there, as well as here, for free!

Dr. Stark is interviewed by Aphasia Access.

During this episode, Dr. Janet Patterson, Research Speech-Language Pathologist at the VA Northern California Healthcare System, speaks with Dr. Brielle Stark about the Distinguished Aphasia Scholar USA Award from the Tavistock Trust, technology, and aphasia rehabilitation, measuring discourse, and FOQUSAphasia.

Language production & communication "in the wild"

Invited talk

UCLA Cognitive Psychology Colloquium
December 2020

Dr. Stark gives an invited talk for the Indiana Clinical and Translational Sciences Institute 2023 Annual meeting.

Dr. Stark presents on the potential to use lexical access during discourse as a means of differentiating latent aphasia and mild cognitive impairment from neurotypical language, and its potential to be a sensitive indicator of early impairment.

Dr. Stark is hosted as a Distinguished Speaker at Aphasia Access

Dr. Stark chats with Aphasia Access members about her research on discourse, highlighting the contribution of FOQUSAphasia (


A talk for the virtual CUNY 2020 conference on using AphasiaBank

Spring 2020

From a single word to many words: analyzing connected speech in aphasia

Invited talk

Center for the Study of Aphasia Recovery
February 2019

Reliability of behavior performance and functional activation in aphasia

Invited talk

Center for the Study of Aphasia Recovery
November 2016

See our talk series from FOQUSAphasia HERE