Join the Lab!



We have an active undergraduate volunteer sector in our lab! We accept undergraduates from all disciplines, not only from the Department of Speech and Hearing. Specific opportunities that undergraduates have in this lab:

  • Acquiring behavioral and neuroimaging data

  • Scoring behavioral data

  • Language transcription and coding (training provided)

If you are interested in volunteering in the lab, please contact Dr. Stark (bcstark[at] We expect that undergraduates attend lab meeting (once every two weeks or once monthly, usually Fridays @ 2PM). We expect volunteer commitment at ~4 hours per week, which largely occurs on the student’s own time.

M.A. Students

We recruit graduate clinicians from the M.A. in Speech-Language Pathology. If you are joining us in the MA program, please reach out to Dr. Stark after you are accepted and prior to starting in the program!

PhD Students

We are likely not recruiting PhD students but exceptions may be made.

Because of the interdisciplinary nature of our program, and because Dr. Stark is affiliated with the Program in Neuroscience, we recruit students from a variety of backgrounds. These backgrounds often include psychology, speech and hearing disorders / communication sciences, neuroscience, cognitive science, and linguistics.

Indiana University is a wonderful place to do a PhD. We have state of the art facilities, including a 3T MRI, EEG system and Speech and Hearing Clinic. We offer competitive funding for PhD students, which may involve teaching, being a graduate teaching assistant, or funding through related programs (e.g. American Sign Language). We encourage PhD students to apply for their own funding (e.g. NIH, ASHFoundation) throughout their tenure here, and support is offered from the mentor.

If you are interested in doing a PhD, please get into contact with Dr. Stark prior to submitting an application.

I am very interested in writing applications together (NSF GRFP, NIH F31), so please be in touch about that!


Applications are generally due to Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences at Indiana University in early January of each year. Please see the Speech and Hearing Sciences website for more information. Alternatively, you may apply through the Program in Neuroscience to work with Dr. Stark, and this program’s application is in early December. More information is available on the Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences / Program in Neuroscience website.

Postdoctoral Fellows

Our lab is interested in language, and as such, the ideal candidate will have an established interest in, or desire to learn about, speech/language neuroscience. We are a close-knit lab comprised of undergraduates, MA and PhD students and are looking for someone who has strong interpersonal skills and a team attitude. Candidates must have a related PhD degree (e.g. Neuroscience, Psychology, Engineering, Biology, Communication Sciences, etc.), experience with programming in Matlab and/or Python and strong statistical skills. Additional experience may include analyzing discourse samples (e.g. CHAT/CLAN, PRAAT, SALT). Experience with aphasia is helpful but not required. We also collaborate with related IU labs (Sporns lab, Betzel lab) in the Psychological and Brain Sciences department.

Indiana University is an excellent and interdisciplinary research environment. Dr. Stark is part of the Department of Speech and Hearing Sciences and is also core faculty in the Program in Neuroscience. IU is home to the Imaging Research Facility (Siemens 3T MRI, EEG SUITE), Network Institute, and Program in Cognitive Science. Additionally, Bloomington is a lovely place to live. It is a small-town (80,000 residents) that boasts great art, food and nature. It is the epitome of a college town, full of good-natured Midwesterners.  

I am happy to work with you on applying for an NIH F32 or similar fellowship!

Interested applicants can send a CV, a brief statement of interest and a relevant paper to demonstrate writing skills to: